Configure a RADIUS Proxy Server Realm

First configure an Extreme Networks Device as a RADIUS proxy server. See Configure an Extreme Networks RADIUS Proxy.

You can add a postfix notation realm after a user name, separated by an “@” symbol, and the result resembles an email address domain name. Or you can add a prefix notation realm before a user name, with a backslash “\” separator. User names can also include multiple realms, for example\ is a valid user name with two realms. Realms can be arbitrary text and do not need to contain real domain names, even though they can look like domains.

This task is part of the network policy configuration workflow. Use this task to configure realms for a RADIUS proxy.

  1. On the Configure RADIUS Servers page, select REALMS.
  2. Select ADD A RADIUS SERVER GROUP to display and configure the settings.
  3. Configure Required Realms.
    1. Select the Default Realm from the menu.
    2. Select Strip the realm name from the proxied access requests to remove the realm name from proxied access requests.
    3. Select the RADIUS Server Group from the menu.
  4. To create a realm, select an existing realm and then select Edit, or select Add.
    1. Type the Realm Name.
    2. Select a RADIUS server group from the menu.
    3. Select Strip the realm name from the proxied access requests to remove the realm name from proxied access requests.
    4. Select ADD.

Continue configuring the proxy server.